10 Powerful Tips to Stop Hair falling out and Keep Your Hair Healthy This Monsoon

10 Powerful Tips to Stop Hair falling out - The Hard News Daily - (Picture Credit - Pixabay)
10 Powerful Tips to Stop Hair falling out - The Hard News Daily - (Picture Credit - Pixabay)
When one side the month of monsoon brings relief from the scorching heat, on the other side it brings the problems of hair falling out.
Due to monsoon, there is a increased humidity and humidity can create problems for your hair and leads to hair falling out confusing you as to what is leading to such problem.
When on one hand it is ok to be worried about the hair falling out, on the other hand you must be relieved to know that it a common occurrence.
Monsoon is the time when old hair leaves the body and new hair makes the way on your scalp. But if the amount of hair falling out is excessive and too much, and if you are beyond 40 then it is a matter of concern.
10 Powerful Tips to Stop Hair falling out - The Hard News Daily - (Picture Credit - Pixabay)
10 Powerful Tips to Stop Hair falling out – The Hard News Daily – (Picture Credit – Pixabay)
Here’s how to minimize your hair falling out during the monsoon season  and keep your hair super strong and full of health during the rainy season:


The science behind hair falling out during Monsoon season

  • Hair falling out due to humidity:

    • High humidity in the air during Monsoon can cause your hair to swell, which leads to breaking and hair falling out. The hair gets weak due to extra moisture and is more likely to get destroy hair since it absorbs water from the humidity in the air.
  • Hair falling out due to rainwater:

    • Rainwater, especially the first rain of the monsoon brings with it all the particles and atmospheric dirt down. That is why it is often advised to not bathe during the first rain of monsoon. Natural rainfall is acidic by nature and filthy because suspended air particles become its constituents. Avoid rainwater as much as you can. The rainwater can dispossess your hair of its natural sheen, its natural oils and its natural texture and leads to dryness, dermatitis, dandruff, scalping, infections and finally hair fall.
  • Hair falling out due to Fungal Infections:

    • It is a common knowledge that fungus thrives on water. Even if there is a small moisture and is taken uncare of then fungus will start to grow. The monsoon causes extra moisture on your scalp and the roots of your hair leading to growth of fungal infections. Because of this extra moisture, your scalp becomes the host to various dangerous infections that could undermine hair roots and lead to hair falling out.

Preventive Measures to stop hair falling out:

1. Keeping Hair Dry:

Even by accident, if you get wet in the monsoon season, immediately wash your hair to clean them of the dust particles, acid and other pollutants. don’t use hard shampoo, rather use a mild or soft shampoo. Don’t blow dry your hair with a hot blow dryer as your hair are already been weakened from the dampness in the roots, so it is better to gently dry your hair with a soft microfiber towel or if you have access to a cotton t-shirt, use it to absorb the moisture without too much rubbing as rubbing causing friction.


2. Hydrate and Nourish:

One one hand, it is advisable to dry up the scalp as much as possible from the water, on the other hand it is required to keep your scalp hydrated as well.  For that you can either use a hydrating shampoo or a conditioner. You can also use natural remedies like applying coconut oil, honey, lemon juice, gooseberry and aloe vera on your scalp in order to nourish them and provide them required hydration. If you want to go extra step, then do consider applying a hair mask which can be easily made at home. The hair mask can be a mix of banana, honey, oats, onion slices, cucumber paste, olive oil etc. to condition your hair deeply.

3. Avoid Styling using hair blowers:

During monsoon your hair are already in a stressful zone. so it is not advisable to stress them more by styling them every now and then using a hair blower or straighteners or curlers. Such stress on the hair could weaken the roots of your hair and cause your scalp to lose natural hair oil.

4. Regular Trimming:

One habit that most people having great hair can vouch for is that they often visit hair parlous to get their hair trimmed.
There is no specific time as to when to get your hair trimmed but a trimming 5-7 weeks can prevent the split ends of your hair from travelling up to the
Trimming the ends every 6-8 weeks can prevent split ends from moving up the hair shaft, lowering breakage.

5. Proper Diet:

No other advice can come close to when it comes to right diet. Hair falling out is not just caused by external factors but by internal factors as well. In order to strengthen your hair,  include optimum quantities of vitamins, minerals, proteins and omega-3 fatty acids in your daily food items. Foods like eggs, soy products, fish, liver, green leafy vegetables like spinach, nuts, Greek yoghurt and seeds can espouse hair health and its quality. Do not forget to drink plenty of water too as water is the key to a good health of hair. 

6. Oil Massage:

Oil messages since ancient times has proved to be a very beneficial method to keep hair stronger. Gentle hair oil messages with warm oils like almond oils or coconut oils or gooseberry oils would lead to the better circulation of blood, nourishment of the roots and ultimately leading to the lessen down of the hair fall.

7. Usage of mild shampoos or anti-fungal powders.

If the fungal infections has increased, then the home remedies won’t work on it anymore. Now you have to takes stricter measures like using mild shampoos with ingredients like ketoconazole (dermatologist recommended) or sprinkle some anti-fungal powder on your scalp, again consult a dermatologist before using such things as only a right doctor can tell you the right prescription for your hair. Many people are allergic to certain chemicals and doctors tend to check that before making prescriptions. 

8. Protect Your Hair:

You have to do some extra efforts to protect your hair too. It is advisable to use some hair caps, or wrap a cloth round your hair or use an umbrella to protect your hair.

Use umbrellas or hats when stepping out. If your hair does get wet, avoid tying it up until it’s completely dry to prevent fungal growth and breakage.

9. Choose the appropriate comb :

It is a widely used system that the gentle detangling of your hair using a wide-tooth comb on daily basis helps to lower hair falling out. Maintaining clean combs as your toiletries helps you prevent the infections of scalp as well.

10. Natural Remedies:

  • Onion Juice: Onion contains high sulfur content which is well known chemical to treat skin diseases. Onion juice can help in treating infections and skin decisions leading to reduction in hair fall and hence promotes hair regrowth.
  • Aloe Vera Juice: There are several vitamins and minerals included in aloe vera, which includes vitamin A, B12, C, and E, can aid to fortify hair follicles. The enzymes in aloe vera helps to break down fats in the oil, thus helping in removing superfluous oil from hair. Common skin ailment affecting the scalp, seborrheic dermatitis, can be lessened in itching and scaling with aloe vera. Fresh aloe vera juice can help shield hair from UV light, so preserving its color and gloss. Without stressing the hair strands, aloe vera may clean surplus oil and dirt from hair.
  • Gooseberry Juice : Regarding hair, gooseberry juice could have several advantages.
    Gooseberry juice strengthens hair follicles and increases blood circulation, therefore facilitating faster hair growth. Gooseberry juice blocks an enzyme causing hair loss, so helping to prevent it. It helps to reduce dandruff as well. Gooseberry juice might help stop fungal diseases including dandruff.

Finally if hair falling out doesn’t stop, try this

Although monsoon hair care calls for some additional attention, these techniques will help you greatly prevent hair falling out and preserve good hair. Recall, consistency is essential. Match your hair care schedule to the demands of the season; your hair will repay you with less fallout and more bounce and shine.
However if the above remedies doesn’t work and the hair falling out doesn’t stop then immediately consult a good dermatologist because it might be a serious situation.



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