Sri Lanka to Transfer Airport Administration to Indian and Russian Companies
- Sri Lanka plans to transfer the operational control of its $209 million Chinese-constructed airport to Indian and Russian corporations.
- The move aims to minimize financial losses incurred by state-owned industries.
- Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport (MRIA), funded by China EXIM Bank, has been a subject of controversy since its inauguration in 2013.
- The airport will be managed by Shaurya Aeronautics (Pvt) Ltd. of India and Airports of Regions Management Company of Russia for 30 years.
- Sri Lanka is currently in negotiations with China EXIM Bank to restructure the loan for the airport.
- The airport was constructed under former president Mahinda Rajapaksa, who aligned the country with China.
(The story is published based on the data from a syndicated feed. However there can be minor changes from the original source article.)